If there is a health center suitable for infrastructures in countries that want to be treated in their own country but who do not have sufficient equipment and experience, we will provide expert team support.

If patients who want to benefit from health care want to be treated in their own country, appropriate planning is made for them. Doctors who are experts in their field go to the patient for those patients who are unable or unwilling to come to the country. After obtaining the patient’s information, the specialist physician designs the treatment for the most accurate treatment. Doctor transfer is made to countries that do not have adequate equipment and health personnel. The infrastructure of the health center to be visited must be suitable for doctor transfer. The services of the institution providing health services should be appropriate. Surgical team and expert team provide support for the needs of the patient. Everything will be organized at your request, and the team acts considering your health. The needs and demands of the patient are taken into consideration in this process. The expert team is in communication with the patient in this process and is there for any problems of the patient. While the treatment process of the patient is planned, it is prepared by taking the requests into account. The patient’s wishes are completely in the foreground. At the same time, the patient is informed about the specialist doctor who will be with the patient during the treatment phase.

How Can We Help?

  • Patients who want to be treated contact us or the intermediary hospital whose infrastructure is appropriate in their country.
  • The patient who wants to be treated in homecountry is given the planning and price information of the treatment to be done.
  • The patients who accept the treatment plan are treated by our doctor on the determined date.

The patient who wants to be treated needs to contact the institution. Apart from the institution, patient can also contact the hospital whose infrastructure is suitable in homecountry. The right treatment planning for you is made by the expert team after you contact the institution. After treatment planning, you are informed about the price. The process is started for patients who accept the treatment plan. In this process, you are informed at all stages. The hospital where you will be staying during the treatment is arranged. Specialist doctors come to your country for your treatment. In this process, the expert team will be in contact with you to answer any questions. In this way, all kinds of problems will be solved. After coming to the hospital, the doctor plans the right treatment for you. Does whatever it takes for your treatment. In this process, your satisfaction is the most important point for the institution. All planning is done considering your satisfaction. While your treatment is done in your country by the doctor, all kinds of stages are followed by the institution. After your treatment process is over, medication and prescription follow-up is carried out by the institution. The institution will be in touch with you to answer everything you wonder after the treatment. While planning this whole process, your requests are taken into consideration by the institution. The expert doctor will be with you during your entire treatment process. All kinds of information will be given to you by planning the appropriate treatment. The institution will always be at your service to get you through this process in the best way. After your treatment process is over, your final checks will be done by the attending physician. If there is a drug you need to use, the use of this drug will be planned in the most correct way by the attending physician. This whole process will be prepared exclusively for you and the biggest priority of the institution will be to get over this process in the easiest way and to be satisfied.

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