We invite the healthcare professionals from countries needed Turkey, or we provide the requesting physicians and health professionals latest treatment methods and the latest technology devices for organizing training programs to experience their use and to be better equipped and information on the different perspectives to be added.

The right health centers are preferred for the training, while the training organization is made, which includes accommodation and insurance services, which are suitable for the requested time, and participation certificates are also provided.

Besides the health service provided by the institution, there is also a training service. Specialist team will inform you and help you in every health area you want to study. Advances in the area of health, state-of-the-art devices, treatment methods and many more training options are presented to the relevant people by the expert team. In line with your wishes, training is also provided to the needed places outside the country. This training is offered by specialists and educational team. In this way, the use of state-of-the-art equipment and new treatment methods are provided. Different perspectives are shown to make you better. After you request training, the most appropriate training program is prepared by the institution. In the training process, the most appropriate health centers will be preferred for you and accommodation service is provided by the institution. The institution considers all kinds of details for you, so that you do not have a problem on accommodation in your training process. In addition, the insurance service covering the whole process is also provided by the institution. A program completely prepared for your satisfaction is implemented. The expert team is with you in any problem during this process. Everything necessary for you to be better and to be satisfied with training will be planned for you. The expert team will be in contact with you to answer any questions and to be with you in the process.

How Can We Help?

  • The participant is contacted one on one or by means of communication media.
  • You are informed about at which department training will be done and the place of training.
  • Appropriate health center determination is made according to the demand.
  • Alternative accommodation is organized close to the training venue.
  • The cost of the package, which is included in the department, health center, accommodation and transfer for education, is charged and prepared for proforma as an offer.
  • The list of documents requested from the participant whose offer is accepted is provided and completed. (Such as passport, diploma, petition, insurance)
  • Flight tickets are bought according to the requested date according to the demand of the trainees.
  • Guests arriving at the airport are met with a private vip vehicle and a translator, as needed.
  • Our guests, who are met at the airport, are placed in their rooms by providing transfers to their accommodation.
  • The training process is started by meeting the participants at the entrance of the hospital at the morning and receiving documents and placing them in departments.
  • At the end of the training, our participants are given a Training Certificate with the signatures of the department they receive the training and the signatures of the health center manager.

After contacting the participant, the training program for your request is prepared by the expert team. After this program is prepared, you are informed about the department you will receive training and the place of training. It is possible to contact the hospital you want to study according to your preference. This option is provided by the institution. In order to avoid difficulties in transportation, the accommodation is arranged by the institution close to where you will be trained. After preparing the department, hospital, health center and accommodation you want to study, you will be informed about the package fee. If the offer is accepted by you, the required documents list is sent to you. Informing on the content of documents list is made. The content of this document list consists of a passport, diploma and a petition. After your request for training is confirmed, the best travel program is prepared for you. After purchasing the appropriate flight ticket, your access is made from the airport by private car. The people sent by the institution accompany you from the airport to your accomodation place.  When your training process will start, you are met at the hospital and your necessary procedures are carried out by the expert team. After the registration process is completed, your training process is started.

Need A Help?

Our team will always be waiting to help you. Just contact us.